Take Your Leadership To The Next Level

Are You Ready To Lead?

Vince Lombardi was spot on when he said, “Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile”

We all have the ability to lead, but it’s those who work at developing strong leadership skills and characteristics who are the most successful.

John C. Maxwell has been leading for over forty years and has touched the lives of millions of people. His book, Leadership Gold, is the perfect manual for gaining firsthand leadership guidance and insight, which is why I’m hosting a special webinar on Thursday, November 19th at 12:00 am EST to share more.

Set yourself above the pack by learning from Maxwell’s successes AND mistakes. Leadership may not be something you're born with, but it is a continual journey of personal development and refinement.

If you’re ready to excel as a leader, join me for Take Your Leadership To The Next Level, on Thursday, November 19th at 12:00 am EST to learn firsthand knowledge from an international leadership expert.

Collaboration, Connection, and Success

For those of you I have not met, my name is Fleming Ford, and I’m a certified John Maxwell Team member.
As a leader, the way you influence people will determine how they treat you, what they choose to do for you, and how far they will go to help make your life better or worse as a leader.

During this experience, my goal is to provide you with a toolbox of strategies and information that you’ll be able to use in order to keep those you are leading motivated, excited, and willing to work as a unit to help you and your dealership reach its full potential.

Join Fleming as she shares new insights, valuable skills, and actionable techniques you can put into practice immediately.

Hosted by:

ESI Retail Leadership Academy

Standout In A Crowd

No matter yourrole - general manager, desk manager, fixed ops director, or dealer principal - leadership is a skill everyone can use a little more of. This webinar will be of value to everyone from seasoned leaders to those just starting out.

During this webinar, you will learn 26 various aspects of leadership, such as developing relationships, nurturing tomorrow’s leaders, and how to be a connector, not just a climber. Additionally, I will share John Maxwell’s application exercises so you can put his lessons to immediate practical use. If you want to learn how to define personal success, guard against unrealistic thinking, and determine why people quit, Take Your Leadership To The Next Level, is the perfect webinar for you!

My goal is to share Maxwell’s 26 ‘nuggets of wisdom’ based on his nearly 40 years of leadership to help you become the leader who stands out in a crowd. According to Maxwell, “While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes, learning from them, and becoming superior.”

Which person are you?

Can’t Wait To Share With You On Thursday, November 19th At 12:00 am EST!